1) Get the materials you need:
-2 yards of quilter's cotton
-1/2 yard fusible fleece interfacing (not necessary if you are using decorator's weight fabric instead).
-1 yd 1" thick ribbon
-coordinating thread
Note: sew with a 1/4" seam allowance
2) Cut the fabric:
- Lay the two yards on top of each other so you can cut them both at the same time - make sure the edges line up. Cut a rectangle 33 1/2" x 28" for the inside and outside of the holder. Make sure to cut this in the bottom right part of the fabric, right up against the bottom right edge, with the 33 1/2" part running horizontal.
-Cut another rectangle at the top right of the fabric (above the rectangle you just cut) that is 33 1/2" by 10 1/2" for the front of the pocket
-Cut 1 piece of interfacing 33 1/2" by 10 1/2"
-Cut the ribbon 33" long
Note: The holder has an extra long flap at the top to fold over so that your needles to not slide out the top:)
3) Iron the interfacing to the wrong side of one of the front pocket pieces.
4) Place the two pieces for the front of the pocket right sides together and sew the top (only the top) horizontal seam. Turn and press. Top-stitch.
5) Make markings for the different slots that will hold all the different sized needles onto the front of the pocket piece. You can take a look at the needles you have and decide what size slots you want. I made one at 2 1/2" for my really large needles and then few around 2" and 1 1/2" and then quite a few at 1". I made my largest slots at the far left and slowly made smaller and smaller slots going towards the right. You can also sew a horizontal seam across the smallest slots if you want to store double pointed needles in this holder as well so that they poke out of the slots properly.
6) After making the markings lay the pocket piece with the right side up on top of the inner holder piece (leave the outer holder piece to the side), lining up the bottom and side raw raw edges. Pin the pocket piece down and stitch vertically along each of the marking to create the slots. Roll it up as you sew so that it will fit in the machine.
7) Place the outer holder piece and the inner holder piece right sides together. Stitch all around the edges with a 1/4" seam allowance, leaving a gap for turning. Turn, press and top-stitch, thereby closing the gap.
8) Measure up 8 3/4" from the bottom of the holder and make a mark. Place the middle of the ribbon on this mark and sew a square with an "X" in it to secure the ribbon. Cut the raw edges of the ribbon on the diagonal so they won't fray.
9) Organize your needles and put them in their slots! Enjoy your holder:)
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